Intricate Perseverance RSS

Would You Talk To Your True Friend Like That?

Is it seriously already October 2021? Where did the time go?!? As I sit here and reflect, it is easy to focus on what I didn’t accomplish that I set out to accomplish at the beginning of the year. I immediately thought about my goal of learning all the basics of playing the bass guitar by the end of the year – clearly that didn’t happen. I also expected to below 30% body fat by now, but here we are. One thing that I did learn, with some therapy, is that I struggle to give myself grace. What do I mean by that? Giving yourself grace is letting go of the self-criticism and accepting that perfection doesn’t exist. It’s an...

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Becoming Mindful of the F*cks You Give

Yep... you read that title right... I said what I said! FOREWARNING: A lot of F-Bombs will be dropped in this one folks! I recently just finished reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson and it was such a good read! He made me laugh and I loved his refreshing honesty. It's a self-help book whose main premise is to be extremely particular about what you care about or in the words of Mark Manson, determine what is truly "f*ckworthy". Once you start determining what you really care about, life becomes just a little bit easier. Let's be real about it. Mark is right. He stated "sometimes things are f*cked up and we have to live...

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We Made It!

4 The Endorphins lasted a full year and I'm so excited about where we are going! I am a walking testimony that all you have to do is try. As I said in my very first blog post, I never had dreams of being my own boss. It never even crossed my mind that one day I would be running my own business! Yet, here I am encouraging you guys as best I know how and figuring this thing out one day at a time. 4 The Endorphins has been a journey of overcoming my mindset and pushing others to do the same. It's been a path to both mental and physical health. It has been a dialog of topics...

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Time Flies, But You're the Pilot

We have completed our first week of the year, but you have more than enough time to plan out your future. It always amazed me when I think back to middle school and how I thought the days were so long and Christmas couldn't get here fast enough. As an adult, TIME FLIES. It's like there are so many things to do and not enough time to them which leads to unwanted stress and anxiety. To combat this feeling, I attempt to stick to a morning routine. A morning routine starts your day with accomplishments which can set the mood for the rest of your day as well as keeps you in the present and not stressed about the future....

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Overcoming Post-Competition Depression

Let me be honest with you, I'm getting over post-competition depression. Yes, it's a thing and I was an easy target considering my background. I didn't go into my first competition not knowing about it. In fact, that was one of the first things my trainer told me about because of my history and my struggles with symptoms that similar to those who have body dysmorphic disorder. Regardless, here I am... I dropped from almost 140 lbs to 114 lbs for my figure competition and I, personally, felt great after the show.. like the first couple of weeks anyway. I could eat again! As I've stated before, I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am happy and when I...

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