Intricate Perseverance — Fitness RSS

Overcoming Post-Competition Depression

Let me be honest with you, I'm getting over post-competition depression. Yes, it's a thing and I was an easy target considering my background. I didn't go into my first competition not knowing about it. In fact, that was one of the first things my trainer told me about because of my history and my struggles with symptoms that similar to those who have body dysmorphic disorder. Regardless, here I am... I dropped from almost 140 lbs to 114 lbs for my figure competition and I, personally, felt great after the show.. like the first couple of weeks anyway. I could eat again! As I've stated before, I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am happy and when I...

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Routines and Things

Ever since I competed in my first competition, people who have seen my transition from 140 lbs to 114 lbs (show day weight) asked for advice in regards to meeting their own fitness goals. First, let me say that I am not a certified personal trainer. However, I am going to give you tips based on my own minimal (lol) experience. Every body is different. Some may be trying to lose weight while others are trying to build muscle. No matter your goal, write it down. Writing your goals down is the first step to success. Be aware of what you are going to accomplish. To add, know your schedule. Can you devote to an hour workout or only thirty...

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Don't Dismiss the Small Victories

Too many of us struggle with giving ourselves credit for what we see as small victories. However, I have come to learn that these small victories are what we should applaud the most. You have made it one step closer to the end game. You have taken another step that not everyone has successfully taken. You did not give up. You did not break. You did not fold! Why not celebrate that? Think about where you were 5 years ago or even 3 years ago! Were you where are now? You have grown so much and may not have even noticed. If you don't acknowledge your progress, you will never find joy in your hard work. Why not write down your victories like you write...

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Top 3 Lessons I Learned on My Fitness Journey

Life is full of lessons. There is so much to learn if you are paying attention. As I have stated so many times before, I initially started my fitness journey to manage my depression and anxiety. The gym has become a very sacred place for me like it is for so many others. It was through fitness, I learned so much more about myself. Here are the top three (3) lessons that my fitness journey has taught me thus far... (1) Fear of failure is one of the BIGGEST roadblocks. Will Smith stated, "Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things...

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