Last Night Took an L, but Tonight I Bounce Back


Did I start my detox/diet? Nope! Did I get all of my cardio in last week? Ha! Things were going great at one point in my fitness journey. I was up by 3am so I could get to gym by 4:30am. I worked out six days a week for thirty minutes to an hour. I meal prepped consistently on Sundays or Mondays depending on my energy level that week. So -  if you were me, you may wonder when and/or where did things go wrong and how do I get back on track?

Every one struggles to stay consistent. This lethargic nature can go on for days, weeks, or even months if you allow it to. In some cases, it's understandable. Life happens! Sometimes fitness and/or health gets pushed to the bottom of the totem pole and that's okay as long as it doesn't stay there. Yet, what will always set you apart from others is your choice to get back on track. You have the choice to regain your focus. Do not get stuck on the fact that you strayed from the path, but focus on how to get to where you want to be from where you are. This means knowing your priorities and having a vision.

Easier said than done - I know. It's hard to find the motivation you once had. Yet, this where you work on your self-discipline instead of focusing on your motivation. Self-discipline is about action. Make workouts fit into your schedule even if they are short workouts. Set a goal for yourself; write the vision and make it plain. You have to know where you want to go to determine the sound decisions to get there.

Don't be too hard on yourself. It happens to the best of us. Setting your standards to high for yourself will only cause stress and disappointment. Take small steps and be consistent. You got this! We will do this together!

Keep pushing!

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